A few weeks ago, I introduced to you how to use baking soda and shaving cream to create a snow mixture that actually feels cold to your child’s hands. Super simple. Super cheap. Super duper cool
So what exactly can the sensory bin do?
I promise you the possibilities are endless! When we made the fun sensory snow, we put winter animals like King Penguins in the mix during our letter learning of K in the Proverbs 31 study.
That said, for those of you not that familiar with Freshly Messy, my not-yet-two-and-a-half-year-old Kara isn’t too interested in letter identification. So, you know what? I seamlessly introduce them to her in activities like Kangaroo or Penguin habitats, but I refuse to shove them down her throat. She adores numbers and counting though……
PRESTO! We made contact!
Once you finish with an activity using Freshly Messy’s sensory snow, don’t trash it! Reuse it!
Number Identification! We hid the numbers, sorted the numbers, and then with a very Montessori approach, counted with numbers!
A while back, we made some DIY Grimm’s Blocks which colored absolutely beautifully! Today, we used them for something other than building. In the snow, I mashed my finger down to make a hole for each of Kara’s blocks. Then I let her count the number of blocks out per number. We did this three times before boredom set in and off she skirted to make messes and put crabs and lobsters in the snow too!