Proverbs 31, Week 5: Women and Men are Equally Important and Valuable

Proverbs can move mountains! Want to make a difference? Be the difference! They always say if there is a topic you want to read about, go to the Bible. Porn? Bible. Good deeds? Bible. Heros? Bible. Murder? Bible. In this chapter, men learn how to be Godly men and Godly women. Learn how to be Confident, and teach your children confidence.



View The Entire Bible Study for Preschoolers Here

Providing is often-times thought to be a male role in a family atmosphere. 1 Timothy Chapter 3:4 tells us that men should manage the home well and keep the children submissive while Chapter 5:8 tells us if a man does not provide for his family, he is worse than a non-believer. Several other places tell us that women are to remain quiet to our husbands, as they are the heads of our homes. Proverbs 31:15 tell us, however, that females do have a very important providing role. Scattered throughout the entire Bible, we are reminded that women are so important and valuable. We have our homestead rules and jobs, and providing meals for our family is one of them. Why is nourishment important? Do you think that “portions” and relationships to food as described here is the only important nourishment we provide our families with?



This week, in addition to reminding our children: they are more valuable than rubies, confident and important human beings, eager beavers as Christ-like adults should be, and that having a strong work ethic is vital….We will discuss specifically to our little ladies nourishment.  Come, join us! For free printable, conversation topics, and activities that challenge our children of all ability levels.




  • Rooster Cock a Doodle Do Craft: I found this craft in a non-english website. It was super fun though because it was simple with little preparation. We just used lots of construction paper, and Kara wore them around for the day! We made three…. one for me, her, and our 6 month old baby brother. This will be an excellent activity to bring back out when we study the letter R as well!
  • J is for Jars: I introduced Jars this week for a couple reasons…. Friday we will be using these jars for our ongoing craft to go inside our woven basket we made last week. Today, we decorated the Jars. I allowed my two-year old to modge podge the glass while I attached the pretty fabrics. It really was a lot of fun, and a great introduction to the letter J!
  • Topic of Discussion: What is important about Roosters? Roosters are the animals that cock-a-doodle-doo first thing in the morning before anyone wants to get out of bed. What is lazy? Are roosters lazy? Does God want us boys and girls to be lazy?PICTURE OF OUR JARS?


  • Coloring Page Printable
  • I is for Ice: Monday night after Kara went to bed, I froze some Red Solo cups (if you will be doing this experiment inside, feel free to freeze in smaller quantities!) of water. Inside each cup, I  put items with the letter I, J, K in them. I put some: Halloween eyeballs, some small bead kites, some jelly beans, a few jacks, a beaded kangaroo and koala, the plastic magnet J. Then today, we took the cups outside, and I drew out block letters of each letter in chalk on the pavement. Kara colored with the ice (which melted quicker on the hot surface) and discovered items of each letter. Kara told me once, “too hard mommy, you do it,” which was the perfect example for tonight’s discussion!
  • Topic of Discussion: Does God give us tasks that he cannot see us through? Does he make us work harder than the energy we have? Does he like lazy? What should we do when we feel tired? How can we ask for help the right way? Should we stop trying when someone lends an offering hand?



  • Mommy Match Game Printable: FREE PRINTABLE! I don’t do a lot of worksheets, if you haven’t noticed. For this reason, it is important to slowly introduce her to the ability to do worksheets. Plus, it is excellent for learning to concentrate for longer than fifteen seconds at a time!
  • Baby Kangaroo Gross Motor Skill: Following the worksheet that took around 4 minutes to complete (and! double plus! she wanted to save it for painting that afternoon! 😉 ) I went on the hunt and found one of her Get up and Move preschool CD’s. For the next 40 minutes, we moved like the animals in the worksheet. We hopped, swam, waddled, and climbed! She loved it!
  • Topic of Discussion: All week we have discussed hard work. I have NOT made Kara wake up early all week as her sleep schedule is so important for behavior and maximizing our day at this point. However, what is so important about working hard? Do you remember? Why did you decide to help me serve daddy dinner tonight and give Noah his milk? Were you happy or sad when you were helping and serving others? Why do we serve others? Why are we nice to others?


  • Making Foot Scrubs for our Woven Basket: This was probably Kara’s favorite day of all. I let her get her hands icky! We made four baby food jars of Foot Scrubs for the lucky recipient of our woven basket several weeks from now. We started this gift in Proverbs Week 3 lessons.  We made four recipes using EO’s: Lavender & Balance, Cinnamon Bark & OnGuard, Sensual, and Eucalyptus and Breathe. Our house smelled amazing, then awkward (too many scents together!), and finally amazing again. And, super simple! We simply mixed equal parts brown and white sugar, 1/4th cup veggie oil, and enough coconut oil to soften to taste. Delightful!
  • Counting Animals: We have a HUGE basket of animal figures. Kara isn’t two and a half yet but can count to 20. She knows her animals and their colors. She doesn’t care about her alphabet identification (if you haven’t noticed, not many activities concentrate on that 😉 ), and while she loves numbers…. she cannot count items and stop when the items run out. So, today we began our journey of doing this.
  • Topic of Discussion: We started learning something new today (counting items). Why would mom want you to count if you know your numbers? Is it hard to count? Is working hard fun? Does Jesus want us to work hard or be lazy? You are worth more than rubies and so smart and important, it won’t take you long to learn to count. But, I know it is very hard for now. So until you can do it on your own, I am here to help you. You are so eager to learn to count, I will be helpful enough to help you learn to do it on your own. I love you, Jesus loves you.foot scrub jars

Is anyone joining us on our FACEBOOK page? Please do! Lets us know if you are studying proverbs with us! We have 14 more weeks of activities left!