Weaving in Christ: Make A Cheap Fun Fine Motor Project


The Bible is completely filled with weaving projects… completely. Weaving is also an excellent idea for developing fine motor skills in two year olds! Put the two together, and we have Weaving in Christ. Everything in the Bible is woven together; as the human race, we are woven together. Each of us is a piece of a puzzle, that… put together create the vision of God. The bountiful lists of crafts that can be done with the weaving concept is amazing. To list a few:

Bible Weaving Projects:

  1. Any sort of yarn activity, animals and clothing are discussed throughout the entire Bible.
  2. God’s Eye projects
  3. Basket Weaving (today’s post!)
  4. Weaving to make Rainbows
  5. Weaving a Cross
  6. Building with Waffles; they look woven

None the less, no matter how many ideas are out there, weaving is absolutely perfect for two year olds as they begin learning independence still under mom and dad’s helpful wings. My two year old isn’t quite ready for independent weaving (and shows absolutely zero interest in any sort of nifty lacing card!) However, she loved today’s activity and it lasted a pretty decent amount of time (45 whole minutes!) for a two year old. I was pretty impressed, actually. And, it turned out super cute!


This activity corresponded directly and perfectly to our current Proverbs 31 study, Proverbs 31:14.

When I was choosing the basket I wished to use, I thought about several different ones. This was actually a zero cost project for us, because we used scraps of pipe cleaners from old projects that would have otherwise been put to waste, and chose to re-gift one that was given to us. We are using this basket to make a final gift at the end of our study. Ultimately, it was important for us to use it, and it was perfect because the wooden make allows it to be elegant instead of gaudy. Plus, the straw is hard; therefore, the holes didn’t keep collapsing on my daughter who is currently still learning hand eye coordination. And, it was free which is a plus for this thrifty mom 😉


First, I allowed Kara to select which pipe cleaners from our stash she wanted to use.


And then I let her go to town. We used all the cleaners she picked out, but there was a significant amount of help involved. I truly do not believe bigger basket holes would have helped her, and I can absolutely not believe she stayed interested as long as she did. She started each cleaner for a solid 3-4 weaves, and I finished it out and hid all the sharp tails on the inside of the basket. Overall, I am super pleased with how well it turned out.





