Proverbs can move mountains! Want to make a difference? Be the difference! They always say if there is a topic you want to read about, go to the Bible. Porn? Bible. Good deeds? Bible. Heros? Bible. Murder? Bible. In this chapter, men learn how to be Godly men and Godly women. Learn how to be Confident, and teach your children confidence.
View The Entire Bible Study for Preschoolers Here
Obviously as we grow, our prayers become more complex. Deeper. Stronger. But I have to remember, these are very complex issues to my baby girl! She loves apples, and can’t have them after brushing her teeth. She wants something she can’t have – don’t we all? Her daddy is st encouraghurting. While daddy and I are fully aware he will heal, am I not upset when the kids pop a fever or snag an earache? She is afraid of using the potty, she’s asking to do it later, not now. She prays her brother, who as L1, doesn’t go back to the hospital again. When he does go, he comes home. She prays for her family, herself, and those around her (Elsa). She prays. There is aboslutely no need to try to alter her prayer, jue and listen. Let her know that her prayers are heard by the Man upstairs.
We must discuss how to pray and what to pray. I’ve noticed when praying with Kara, her prayers are short sweet and simple. Some two year old’s prayer lists:
I pray:
- i get apples tomorrow
- Daddy leg not hurt (his hamstring is torn)
- bed time is laaaaaaaaaaaaaater
- Noah at home (She wants Noah to stay home from the hospital)
- use the potty laaaaaaaaaaaaater
- we drive safe
- Elsa (what she calls a lady a church) gets better
- Nanner (the dog) eats her bone
- T & U Letter Coloring Printables
- Prayer Pail: I first saw this idea on Joy’s Hope and made a few adjustments to us!
- Discussion of the Day: Why do we pray? What is the purpose in talking to Jesus? Do you realize we can talk to Jesus about anything: from the pony we long for to the little girl down the street to just saying thank you for some candy.
- I Can Pray For Wheel: Crafting the Word of God created an amazing idea with the basis of this project. We switched it up just a little. It would be easy to find clip art on google and glue print out to the wheel. Instead of using locations and opportunities of prayer, we decided to use people and activities. Now, before lunch everyday we turn the wheel and whomever’s photo lands next, we add them to our lunch prayers!
- Proverbs Week 12 Coloring Printable
- God Knows My Name: Kara has room letters she loves. So today, we made some for her baby brother Noah and painted her name on large poster paper. Perfect activities for a rainy afternoon! I asked Kara what she thought Noah prayed for, and wrote those on the wood. We glued card stock and construction paper to Noah’s wooden letters. I told Kara the wood was like Noah’s heart, and we had to put clothes on Noah’s body. According to Kara, Noah prayed for: milk, pillows, songs, and doctors.
- Hand Art for Wall: People I pray For –> On a large piece of construction paper, we traced Kara’s hand prints. Then I let her color the paper however she wished. Then we wrote on each finger all the names she could think of, with no prompting from me, of people she prayed for. I was totally and thoroughly amazed!
- Prayer Cube: A printable prayer cube just for you coming soon! Toss it up and pray pray pray!