Proverbs can move mountains! Want to make a difference? Be the difference! They always say if there is a topic you want to read about, go to the Bible. Porn? Bible. Good deeds? Bible. Heros? Bible. Murder? Bible. In this chapter, men learn how to be Godly men and Godly women. Learn how to be Confident, and teach your children confidence.
View The Entire Bible Study for Preschoolers Here
She knows her trading, her work, and her successes are good and pure. The virtuous woman, a proverbs 31 woman, knows her performance and products she produces are good. She is in constant search to do good, make good, and succeed. Two weeks ago we talked about how she invested in herself (the Bible wife invested in a vineyard) and was committed (last week’s lesson) to completing the work, no matter how hard, to find success and bring confidence in her plan. The virtuous woman is not full of self-doubt and despair. She puts her mind into her work, and completes it no matter how much work it takes.
Girls are learning about the virtuous woman to be the best she can be. Our boys are learning about the virtuous woman, therefore learning how to make themselves better as well. This week, in particular, is the epitome of children needing to follow a strong example. It is up to us parents to be the great example!
As a mother, as a Christian mother, I believe the #1 way to instill a hard work ethic and encourage my children to appreciate their own successes in confidence, is to model the behavior. If I slack, they’ll slack. If I work hard, they’ll see that.
Beyond this initial modeling, ways to encourage our toddlers to be confident and work hard include:
- Allowing them to experience sports and pursue ones they cherish
- Set forth rules, enforce them consistently, and discuss them frequently
- Expect them to do work that is not always fun (room cleaning, trash, obeying, etc)
- Help them explore passions they adore; #sayyescampaign (coming soon!)
- Allow and require self-time and independent work (quiet books, coming soon!)
- When your baby and toddler give a cue, respond to it! It teaches them early on that they are worth something, worth your time, and deserve being listened to! (my attachment style, coming soon)
- Sign Language for toddlers is a great frustration-free activity to encourage bonding and simplify communication for parents and youngsters (check out Rachel’s blog teaching sign language on Periscopes every Friday!)
- Encourage your babies to reference people by their names
- Teach your children yes sir and no ma’am all the time, not just in trouble times
- Delete labels! Do not refer to your active-daughter as ADD. Do not refer to your CP baby boy as CP Son. Refer to them as your energetic daughter and your brilliant boy. Use their whole to create a description; not their ailment
- Give your children chores and expectations.
- Again, listen to your children and do not put reservations on what they’re allowed to tell you <3 From fish to hamburgers, passions to parties…. if it is important to your toddler, it is important to be heard.
- Letter N Decorating Page
- Noah’s Letter Decorations: Kara’s brother’s name is Noah… so in discussion of letter N (and therefore O, A, and H as well which was an excellent review of two of those letters!) we chose the fabric to order that should be here in a couple of weeks to add to his bedroom letters! Kara has a blast picking “foxes” and “Christmas trees!” (He’ll have a woodland theme).
- Today’s Discussion: Talk about the day, and what your week will be bringing you. Part of being productive and learning to work hard is learning to plan. Let your children know what they have coming up this week, and if possible.. ask them what they’d like to do. Let them help you squeeze in their activity to the planner.
- Weaving: Several weeks ago we spent time weaving a basket for our special project these 19 weeks, and we have spent the last several weeks filling our basket with goodies. Today, We followed Lisa’s Tutorial for finger weaving! We used my fingers and Kara just moved the strands.
- Today’s Discussion: We have to finish what we begin. Kara was sooo excited to begin this activity, but it was incredibly hard to finish it for her because of the tedious diligence it took. Before this activity, we went to the park. I made sure she had an opportunity to get out all the energy. After this activity I let her go play in the water outside. But, I did make her finish it. And during the weaving, we talked about why we were finishing it.
- Letter N Lacing Card Printables: Lacing cards are so super important for fine motor skills. So today we laced with Letter N Cards, learning about the N sound in nest, nut, nails, and nose. Simply print them out on card stock and hole punch the red dots!
- Today’s Discussion: While I worked today, I forced Kara to take some quiet time to herself. She had to stay on her bed for 30 minutes prior to nap time. She could read. She could lace cards. But, she had to stay on her bed. I peeped in on her three times. All three times she was lacing. After nap, she asked if I had any other cards, and I promised to make her some. She doesn’t care why we laced (fine motor, pincher grip, hand-eye coordination, wrist strengthening), so instead we talked about why self-time was important and what she could accomplish with a few minutes alone each and everyday as she grew up woman!
- Week 8 Proverbs Coloring Page Printable
- Popcorn and a Book After Dark: Enough said. We talked *ALLL DAY* about this activity and why we were doing it. We didn’t do a movie because that isn’t “work.” Any activity would work, we just chose reading extra books because it fit into our bedtime routine, even if we stayed up much later than usual to do it. I allowed her to stay up late because women of God work after the sun goes down!
- Shape Tracing Salt Tray: Simple enough! Dump a canister of salt in a container and use your finger to trace letters that you’ve learned in the past 8 weeks! Practice tracing the shapes with each finger. For extra difficulty, paint each fingernail a different color, and have your child trace the shape, line, letter, or number with the color of nail you call out to her.
Is anyone joining us on our FACEBOOK page? Please do! Lets us know if you are studying proverbs with us! We have 14 more weeks of activities left!